Thursday, June 12, 2008

Free Education Resources

Being a webmaster of a multicontent website for over 3,000 branded perfumes, worldwide hotel and vacation booking, jewelry, books, games, golf, webhosting, clickbank products, amazon products, I am always on the lookout for freebies for my visitors.

Today I have chanced upon a very useful non profitable website which is the results of continuous contributions from many kindhearted authors, teachers and users.

It is a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute:

* authors create and collaborate
* instructors rapidly build and share custom collections
* learners find and explore content

If you are a teacher, author,students or parents of schooling childrens,
it is a website that cannot be missed.

You can access to this valuable website through this link.

[Free Education Resources]

Please give me your comments on how useful is this website or how it has help you or your child in their education so as to act as an encouragement for me to source for more of these website to help everybody.

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